2023 Gewurztraminer

2023 Gewurztraminer


Bodybuilding, routines, exercises, bodybuilding, diets, aerobics and sports training anastrozole drug fitness and bodybuilding all about culturism and fitness.

This wine has jazz hands – being wildly aromatic!

Your mind will think you are walking through a Turkish bazaar as you breathe in Turkish delight, rose and lychees. The palate also offers Turkish delight, ginger and grapefruit. Best enjoyed with any spicy dish you crave.

It is our signature white wine with Trophies over the years at National Wine Show, Canberra, Royal Melbourne and Royal Brisbane Wine Shows.

2022 Gewurztraminer awarded 2 Trophies at 2022 National Mediterranean Challenge for Best Mediterranean White Wine and Trophy for Best QLD White Wine

2019 Gewurztraminer was awarded Top GOLD Royal Melbourne Wine Awards – Nominated for Best Single White Variety Trophy

2018 vintage served on Qantas International Business Class Flights


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